
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated. August 2012

So I've been really busy and the Blog thing had to go to the way back burner on the stove of things to do.

It funny but there seems to be more activity on my Facebook pages than here.

Anyways here is a brief update.

Summer was spent at the cottage doing many tasks.

Finished off the inside of the cottage and all that's left is to do some minor wood work and put up a backsplash in the kitchen. Don't have a pic of the wall to wall carpet down. I do have a pic of the new Finished my flat rock surround for the wood stove. Looks pretty good for an amateur job! (Just my humble option of course.)

But I was exhausted and needed a break from all the rehab work. So we went out to Wisconsin to visit my wife's brother Mike who took me fishing everyday and look what I got!

Then back home for a bit and off the the Cottage where I had to work on the new water pump and the studio.

The studio was in the wrong place and did not get any light inside since the trees grew up around it. So I got out the tow straps, the come-a-long and my 7 foot pry bar and moved it out ten feet and then spun it 90 degrees.
Working it like the Egyptians.

You can see the bare dirt where the Studio was in the back left hand side.

Well that takes us up to the beginning of August.

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