
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fridays show opening and working at the gallery

Well yesterday was Gallery sitting at The Shoe Factory Art Co-op. So rather than read 

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine book on my Kindle I brought along my latest social commentary painting about how we older workers got screwed by the creeps on Wall St. 

A few folks came by from the Clothesline Art Festival to see what was going on in the gallery. I was a nice day and it was fun painting with people about.

Work hard and get rewarded - 50 x 47 inches

The "Exposed!  The Nude Self" opening was a big hit and lots of people showed up and a good time was had by all!
Nice crowd at the opening

Nice crowd at the opening

Kathleen Kosel (Gray Hair) with one of her two works at the "Exposed! The Nude Self" Art Exhibit last night

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