
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Getting close to having too many home made printing press's.

So my friends Cara and Ben are out antiquing this morning while I'm freezing my butt off working in the garage working on my cheap and dirty gravity printing press.

They send me a photo of an old large box camera vertical adjuster and ask me if this would work as a printing press. $43.00 bucks! Dang right it will and the traveling bed is 12" x 28". Sweet! Now I just have to rig up an adjustable top roller to apply pressure and then turn the crank!

I will continue to work on my cheap and dirty gravity printing press's since its designed to print plates just under 2 x 4 FEET.

In the mean time I will work on both types of presses. 

Above is what they saw at the antique store this morning.

Here I took off all the bits that I didn't need

Here you can see the bed that moves back and forth when you turn the crank. Super!
Now I just have to add a top roller to apply pressure like from this picture and I have a printing press.

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