
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Part II Congratulations!

Final inspection for the Time Warner cable box art work.
Now to start work on the Traffic Control Box!

Here is what it should look like when done. Well at least when I was done with Photoshop.

Started work on stenciling the outline of all the rivets.
Been working since 10:30 AM this morning and the white on the rivets are done and now to redo the black around each rivet. Then.... I start on the ears!! Yee Haa!
Another hot day in the 90's with no shade. Gear Ears are done and my tan is coming along nicely
Eyes and Nose moving along. Still hotter than heck out there. 
Eyes and Nose almost done and the mouth has been gesso'ed and most of the base paint have been applied.
Just waiting for stencil time!
Met a lot of folks this Fourth of July morning running in the heat and a fan offered to take my pic with the finished Robot work.  Once again another day in the 90's before 10AM. BTW Knee pads are required when kneeling on the rock hard dirt and painting below your waist. :-)

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