
Friday, February 18, 2011

Painting of Boo

Well a few people know that we have a small dog named Boo. He is a rather smart 7 year old 18 pound Yorkie / Pomeranian mix. He is my buddy all day while I paint and do what I have to do to keep sane. He takes me on long walks and makes me play at night. Good friend.

Any way he is not feeling well and the Vet and we think that he has bladder cancer. So he will go under the knife this month to see if they can cut it out and see if its just a benign tumor or something more serious. You can see the growth in the ultra-sound so there is something there that's causing him the problems that we have seen.

So I have a number of pictures of Boo that I'm going to turn in to paintings as fast as I can to get my head clear of all the belch and get on the right track.

Here is stage one:

Sad Boo - 12 x 12 inch
Sad Boo -Stage two - 12 x 12 inch
  Fixed Boo's eyes. All done! Now I have to move on to the next one.

Sad Boo - 12 x 12 inch

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