
Monday, February 28, 2011


Well I dropped Boo off at the Vets this morning and they will operate and look at his bladder to see if its just a tumor or cancer. So I will continue to work on my paintings of Boo till I know whats up.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sexy Boo painting

"Sexy Boo" - 12 x 12 inches
Started a new painting of Boo today. Just a little dog being a bit edgy with his pose.

"Sexy Boo" Stage 2 - 12 x 12 inches

"Sexy Boo" Stage 3 - 12 x 12 inches
Well I did not like the composition very much. So I decided to put Boo on a nice satin pillow to really make the title fit the painting. This should be very tongue 'n cheek. I hope!

"Sexy Boo" Stage 3 - 12 x 12 inches

Friday, February 18, 2011

Painting of Boo

Well a few people know that we have a small dog named Boo. He is a rather smart 7 year old 18 pound Yorkie / Pomeranian mix. He is my buddy all day while I paint and do what I have to do to keep sane. He takes me on long walks and makes me play at night. Good friend.

Any way he is not feeling well and the Vet and we think that he has bladder cancer. So he will go under the knife this month to see if they can cut it out and see if its just a benign tumor or something more serious. You can see the growth in the ultra-sound so there is something there that's causing him the problems that we have seen.

So I have a number of pictures of Boo that I'm going to turn in to paintings as fast as I can to get my head clear of all the belch and get on the right track.

Here is stage one:

Sad Boo - 12 x 12 inch
Sad Boo -Stage two - 12 x 12 inch
  Fixed Boo's eyes. All done! Now I have to move on to the next one.

Sad Boo - 12 x 12 inch

Monday, February 14, 2011

One more old one to do!

This is the last one I found in the closet.

Here is what it looks like before I start to add color.

Start - St. Pete #3 11x14 inches
Here is the finished painting.

St. Pete #3 11x14 inches   

More old sketchs from the 1999.

Did some more digging around in the closet today after I the other St. Pete painting. I knew that there were at least two more that I did not finish. So I found them and dragged them out. So I started in on the second one. Got this far till I had to stop and start cooking Valentines for the two Moms (Mary's Mom and mine).

Finished this one!

Roughed in some color
Added some detail

Done! St. Pete #2 - 11 x 14 inch - Acrylic on canvas board

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Found an old sketch from the 1999 on art board.

On a roll today. Digging around in the closet today after I finished the Country Store painting I found a sketch on art board that I did when we were on vacation down Tampa way in St. Petersburg FL. So I tossed in on the easel and finished it off from pencil sketch to done in 30 mins or so.

Not bad. Here is the result.

St. Pete #1 11x14 inches Canvas Panel

New Landscape

The art opening was very interesting and fun at the The Shoe Factory Art Co-op on Friday. Lots of people but only one Red Dot (Sold) given to a small inexpensive piece. People liked Lulu but no bites. Going to have to get out of my training period here soon and get some thoughts out of the box going.

I want to do a series of landscapes of what we really do see in America. Images that we see everyday but forget that we have to find beauty were we live everyday. The idea for this series came to me as I sat in a traffic jam for 45 mins staring out my cars windscreen at the back of a rusty Ford Pickup's rear tailgate. I really had time to look at it with a cold eye. After awhile I realized that this is one of the new landscapes that everyone sees everyday. So... how can I make it interesting and beautiful. So with that in mind I started with my first in the series called "Country Store" 12 x 12 inch. Please note fellow Rochester folks that they still selling Genny Beer in upstate NY!

"Country Store" 12 x 12 inch - Acrylic on panel

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Time for a haircut.

Well the old locks are getting too long so its time to get a haircut.

The person that cuts my hair just got married and honeymooned in Florida so I did a quick painting for her of the beach. Hope she likes it!!
By the ocean

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

“Hearts and Daggers: A Rochester Love Story.” Part XIII

"Hi, Doug

We accept your piece "LuLu in Rochester" for the show.

Please have it ready to hang."

Well guess what? Lulu is in the show. I knew that I would have trouble with the "House by the snowbank". Hopper's style is just not fit for a love story, but it did get me to do a painting of that house. 

More to follow as things firm up! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Finishing and starting; Part III

Well the last coat of gesso is on the panels and Lulu is getting flattened and having stretchers glued on her back side. Hmmmm that did not sound nice.

Then I want to make stretchers for my landscape painting "Birches" and get it out of the way so that I can work on some other big items. I hang my big works of art from the loft above the living room. Pic of the "Birches" below.