
Friday, December 30, 2011

Industrial accidents happen anywhere.

Its a good thing that I didn't sell any of my Spinning Rudolf the reds. Look what happened to someone that got one. They have some concerns about the potentially dangerous moving parts and sure enough, they found a warning on Judy Braiman Lipson's web site about being careful with industrial themed toys. There was a video about the very same toy! They sent this to me. I must do an instant recall on those that I gave away!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Had a very nice Xmas

I made 8 of these pull toy back in the 80's to give as gifts at Xmas. Most folks tucked them away and did not let their children play with them. At the family gathering this last week I let my niece's young boy play with mine. What a joy to see him run all over the house with it. All the kids played with it and had fun.

You pull the toy and the pig goes up and down thus making the boy hanging on the pig's tail rock back and forth.

Here is the video.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Traffic Control Box project

Update on the Public Commission to decorate Traffic control boxes on University Ave. here in the city of Rochester NY. Here is a redo of the one across from Gleason Works. 
Robot Box - Street side

Robot Box - Sidewalk side
Then the next big Traffic Control Box is in a tough spot - busy intersection and next to a bank. So here is what I presented.

Aquarium  Box - Street side

Aquarium Box - Sidewalk side
There are also two Cable TV boxes that they would like to have prettied up. Since these two boxes are in a residential setting I think that it would be best to give them a front yard garden look. 

So here are my ideas for them. 

Blue Iris Box - Sidewalk side

Blue Iris Box - Street side
Yellow Iris Box - Sidewalk side

Yellow Iris Box - Street side

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Current Project

Working on a Public Commission to decorate Traffic control boxes on University Ave. here in the city. Here is my first idea for the one across from Gleason Works. Gleason Works is a Rochester institution started  in 1865, William Gleason began his own machine shop down town and as it grew he moved to to its current location. Gleason Works creates machines and tooling for bevel gears for all uses and needs.

So I have to have something mechanical and some what humorous to off set the classic design of the building and the beautiful bus stop that shows off the glass art that was designed by Nancy Gong.

Bus shelter with glass by Nancy Gong

This is what I'm thinking of so far.

Robot Traffic Controller Box 

Thursday, December 1, 2011

"There was a crooked Banker", part "trois".

All finished! And now the trailer for the movie.

There was a crooked banker, video for your pleasure.

Now we wait for the Academy to recognize my  film genius!!!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

There was a crooked banker, part Duh!

Well things have been progressing well here at Occupy the Art Studio this week.

Here are the updates on "There was a crooked banker"

Banker done! Cat Done! Mouse Done! Crooked Bank done! Base Done! Cams and cranks cutout and sanded!

Now to put it all together. There will be great gnashing of teeth. Mine of course.

So here are some pics.

Crooked banker
Top of base with crooked road
Front of base with rhyme carved in the front brace 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer for the gallery Xmas Show

Here is a pic of the Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer prototype. Followed by some video!

Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer - 16 x 6 x 6 inches

Rudolph's on parade!

Monday, November 28, 2011

There was a crooked banker

OK! I must have good timing or something! Just as I start painting and getting ready to assemble my new kinetic sculpture "There was a crooked banker", out comes this news:
"Judge Blocks Citigroup Settlement With S.E.C.
Judge Jed Rakoff said the proposed $285 million settlement over a 2007 mortgage derivatives deal was “neither fair, nor reasonable, nor adequate, nor in the public interest.""

Can't make this stuff up!

Here are pictures to show where I am.

Crooked banker body

Crooked banker arms and legs

Crooked cat

Crooked mouse sans tail

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"Little Miss Muffet, along came a debt collector" Part Duh!

Little Miss Muffet 
Sat on a tuffet, 
Eating her curds and whey; 
Along came a debt collector, 
Who sat down beside her 
And frightened Miss Muffet away.

Well I have almost finished "Little Miss Muffet" yesterday. But on further review of the video I'm not happy with the action of the figures. So I have pulled them apart and have been working on getting them to do what I want when the crank is turned.

Super Glue is drying on Miss Muffet right now and then I have to do some work on the Spider so that it does not move around and then face away from the viewer all the time. Have to rig it up like I did Miss Muffet with dual dowel rods to keep them facing front all the time.

Here are some more pics.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Painting at the Gallery on Friday

Had Gallery duty on Friday and I had to take a break from "Little Miss Muffet, along came a debt collector". So I started working on an oil painting that I have been letting sit and age for a year or so.

I love oil paint but it takes soooooooo long to dry. Sigh....

Here is Lilly Pads #1.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

"Little Miss Muffet, along came a debt collector"

Started painting "Little Miss Muffet, along came a debt collector" Base, Miss Muffet head, and spider legs tomorrow. On a roll.....

I knew spiders had 8 legs but I didn't think it would take so long to cut them out and paint them. Uggh

Spider face done. Be careful Spiders bite!

Miss Muffin, where did your hair go?
Here it is!! She washed and dyed it and can't seem to do a thing with it!

Spider is done. Looking quite funny!
Spider is now on a stick

Miss Muffet is done! Looking quite fetching!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

"Mary had a little school loan" part IV

Well its all done and ready for the show. Here is the video and some more detail shots of
"Mary had a little school loan".

"Mary had a little school loan" - 19 x 12 x 5.5 inches

Painted a sheep to mark the end of the poem on the front

Smile for the close up Mary!

Detail of the axle stop

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Mary had a little school loan" part "trois".

So now I have Mary and the Lamb (Wolf) all put together and painted and I will be working on the mechanics and the box next. Should be done today. I hope. More to come as I move ahead.
Lamb (Wolf) Kabab

Mary is looking  quite fetching!
Been working on the base. Glued, stained and painted. Just waiting to dry.

I have carved the poem onto the base and then highlighted it with black. Tell me if you like it!

Top of box
Side of box
All set with the parts cut out for "Little Miss Muffet, along came a debt collector". Need to finish up "Mary had a little school loan" and then paint Miss Muffet.

Monday, November 14, 2011

"Mary had a little school loan" part duh.

I have cut out all the pieces for the figures and now to start painting etc.

I have finished the lamb (wolf in sheep clothing, get it?)

The Lamb (Wolf)

Here is Mary. She is missing her neck right now but I will have it attached in the morning. Her hair should be dry by then. :-)