
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Painting for Ann - NYC for Ann - 30 x 40 inches

Working on "City" for Ann. Starting to get the feel for how it should look.
NYC for Ann - Stage 2 - 30 x 40 inches

OK worked on this one this evening while the rest of you slugs were on the chesterfield watching the Boob tube. :P

NYC for Ann - Stage 3 - 30 x 40 inches
Time to let it age till the morning.Then look at in the sun light to see if it needs some tweaks.

BTW all those windows were a pain to paint. :)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Small moose head.

I've always wanted a stuffed moose head for my wall. Really want one for the cabin up north. Found out that they are REEEEAAALLLY expensive. So I did a test to make my own. Made armature from copper wire left over from various projects. Soldered them together and then covered with tissue paper and polycrylic. Now I know that I can do this..... I will make a full sized one at the cabin and cover it in birch bark this summer. Should be fun!

BTW its only 6 X 4 inches

Monday, March 28, 2011

Quick landscape #2

OK I finished this one up. Total of about 4.5 hours.

Here it is in detail and also hanging from the loft half wall over the living room.

Birches #2 - 3x4 feet - Acrylic on paper

Here it is hanging on the loft 1/2 wall. Looking nice from my point of view

Quick landscape

I have a large space on the loft wall and since I moved the piece that was there to the display space down stairs it was time to do a new one.

Needed to loosen up also so ....  I started this one this morning.

Birches #2 - 3 x 6 feet - Acrylic on paper
Birches #2 - Stage 2 after 4 hours

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Doing much better - Sinus issue is almost resolved

Sorry for all the down time but ..... I did not know how sick I really was. My wife thought that I had pneumonia and I just could not move from the bed/couch/bed routine.

So thanks to the modern medical science of molds, thank you Mr. Fleming, I'm getting the old energy back.

Here is the start of a painting of NYC for my daughter Ann who requested this for her blank wall. Its rather large so I will be doing it with acrylics since I really don't have time to mess with the drying time of oil on this one. Its 30 x 40 inches and I want to get this one done before Wed of next week since I have a lot of new projects in my head from lying around for two weeks with my idea book and the internet.

Here we go!

NYC for Ann - 30 x 40 inches

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Feeling better, soon I will get back to work.

OK! It was not a roaring head cold. I had the worst infected case of sinuses EVER! Now taking horse pills full of Amoxicillin. If I keep getting better then I will be able to move out of the guest bedroom where not even Boo will sleep at night due to all the coughing and hacking that I do all night.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Roaring Head Cold

OK its official. I have a roaring head cold. I'm talking like Barry White and hurting all over. Its going to be a day of bed rest and reading my Kindle. See ya all later.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I have a cold and will be spending a few days mending. I'm a guy so I can be a wus on this.

Made my Hot Toddy and now to bed and my book. BTW you can use Lime juice or OJ instead of lemon. I like Lime juice. :-)

1 1/2 oz bourbon whiskey
1/4 oz lemon juice
3/4 oz sugar syrup
...1 slice lemon
1 clove
...4 ozhot water

Heat in a heat-resistant glass, and fill with hot water. Add a lemon slice speared with a clove, and serve.
See More
A delicious recipe for Whiskey Hot Toddy, with bourbon whiskey, lemon juice, sugar syrup, lemon, clove and water. Also lists similar drink recipes.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Painting for Annie!

My Daughter has a large bare wall in her apt. So she asked me to do a painting of NYC for her.

Great! Love NYC since we lived down there for so long. So I have a number of ideas and since I need a canvas to use and create the composition on I went into the closet and grabbed a failed painting.

Got the sander out and gave it a good sand and now am putting down the first coat of gesso over the yeck image that was there. 4 more coats to go and then off to the races. Lets see if my fire breathing fists of bushes will save me again! 

I sent a goal to have this one done by Thursday. Going to be very fast and rough.

Ann's NYC - 30 x 40 inches

Hawks and Doves "OOPPS!" Done

Really productive morning, worked some more on "OOPPS!" this morning and I'm done.

Comments as always are welcome.

About this painting from previous post: Ok #2 for the Hawks and Doves show. This one is of my Brother John and his job while he was in the US Army. He had to shuttle the A bombs around everyday to hide them in different bunkers. what no one knew was that he was still a Canadian citizen at the time. This went on for 6 months till he told someone. :-) Boy did he get a change of duty quick!!!

OOPPS! - 18 x 24 inches

Hawks and Doves "Keep your H-Bomb clean" Stage 3 Done?

OK the house has been vacuumed and Boo walked and I think that this painting is done.

Comments are welcome.

Keep your H-Bomb Clean -  Stage 3 - 18 x 24 inches

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hawks and Doves "Keep your H-Bomb clean" Stage 2

Well Boo has his staples out of his belly and is running around like nothing has happened. Unreal.

In the meantime I have been working on this painting in between the household chores. (Laundry, shopping etc.)

Keep your H-Bomb Clean -  Stage 2 - 18 x 24 inches

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hawks and Doves "Keep your H-Bomb clean" Stage 1

Starting on the third painting for the Hawks and Doves show. I needed a break from being serious so I started this one as a lark.

Keep your H-Bomb Clean -  Stage 1 - 18 x 24 inches

"Hawk and Dove" Finished

Took some time off yesterday to get some chores done and get out to see people. Being in the studio for 5 days can get a little confining. So late yesterday I finished "Hawk and Dove". Just need to varnish it and then put on my backing boards and all done.

"Hawk and Dove" Stage 5- 18 x 24 inches

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hawks and Doves "OOPPS!" Stage 4

Worked some more this morning and I think that I'm getting close to the finish line. Still having fun doing this one.

Its a good thing that my family knows that I'm nuts or else they would start to question my sanity. AGAIN!

OOPPS! - 24 x 18

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hawks and Doves "OOPPS!" Stage 2 & 3

Worked some more this afternoon and making good head way. Starting to have fun doing this one.

OOPPS! Stage 3 - 18 x 24 inches

Working on this one all morning. Mostly on the A-bomb explosion image. (This text is sure to get Google and Homeland security reviewing this post :-)) Don't quite have it were I want it to look like but its getting there. Took a break to start on the figure to start to flesh it out (HA).

OOPPS! Stage 2 - 18 x 24 inches

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hawks and Doves painting #2 "OOPPS!"

Ok #2 for the Hawks and Doves show. This one is of my Brother John and his job while he was in the US Army. He had to shuttle the A bombs around everyday to hide them in different bunkers. what no one knew was that he was still a Canadian citizen at the time. This went on for 6 months till he told someone. :-) Boy did he get a change of duty quick!!!

OOPPS! Stage 1 - 18 x 24 inches

"Hawk and Dove" Time for a rest for this one

Well I worked on "Hawk and Dove" last night rather late and I think that I have that Dali and Chirico look that I was looking for. I think that its time to take it off the easel and let it rest while I work on something else.

Time to turn it too the wall and look at it on Monday to see if I still like it the way it is.

"Hawk and Dove" Stage 5- 18 x 24 inches

Friday, March 4, 2011

"Hawks and Doves: Perspectives on America and the World in Conflict"

Got a new show coming up at the The Shoe Factory Art Co-op  250 N. Goodman St.  Art Studio 212  Rochester, NY 14607 . 

Have to get 2 to 3 paintings done by March 25th. So I have three ideas that I have been working on in design so here is the first one "Hawk and Dove" - 18 x 24 inches.

I will be showing all the stages as I work through what I want to see. The image is in my head and its just a matter of getting it out through my arm and hand. Simple? Not.

"Hawk and Dove" - 18 x 24 inches

Update on "Hawk and Dove" Stage 2 - 18 x 24 inches - Banged in some color and working on shading and detail.

"Hawk and Dove" Stage 3 - 18 x 24 inches

"Hawk and Dove" Stage 4 - 18 x 24 inches

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sexy Boo Done

Hey Boo made it through surgery! They got the tumor out with a good margin. They only took out a dime sized bit of the bladder so he is good to go! We will have to wait for the sample to be looked at to see if its benign or not so fingers crossed.

So to celebrate I finished off "Sexy Boo" this morning.

Sexy Boo - 12 x 12 inch - Acrylic on canvas

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sexy Boo painting Part 2

Hey Boo made it through surgery! They got the tumor out with a good margin. During the operation they only took out a dime sized bit of the bladder so he is good to go! We will have to wait for the sample to be looked at to see if its benign or not so fingers crossed.

Meanwhile I have been working on the "Sexy Boo" painting and have reworked the pillow again.

Sexy Boo - 12 x 12 inch