
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Update on my two paintings that I have been working on

Here is where we are with "Sea Monster" after two days:

Above is a painting of Annie that I have been working on for my wife. Shes in the studio every 5 mins telling me what to fix or change. Looks like I may have a painting by committee.

Latest from the Cabin up north

I just noticed that I did not post any pictures of my finished work at the cabin from last summer. Lets fix that!

View from the river side out to Mud Bay. What a thing to wake up to every day!

 My finished book shelf dividers with my fake birch tree logs glued in. 

 Kitchen is all done and ready for massive parties next summer.

 Full view of the new space.

Master bedroom is done!
 Breakfast bar set and ready to go.

 And this is how it all started back in Oct 2009.
Talk about a lot of work! Ye Ha!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

“Rochester Contemporary Art Center Members only show”

It was two weeks to the show and I had to either pick some older artwork to submit or start a new project. Well at the end of 2 weeks I had finished the four paintings seen here.Nothing like a dead line to get you moving.

I could only put one painting in the show and after much deliberation, I slept on it, I picked "You keep making that face.... and I'll paint it!"

"You keep making that face.... and I'll paint it!"
21.5" X 24"
Acrylic and pencil on gessoed panel
Election Night
24" X 16"
Acrylic and pencil on gessoed panel
Masked Man #2
9.5" X 12"
Acrylic and pencil on gessoed panel
Pumpkin Baby
16" X 10.5"
Acrylic and pencil on gessoed panel

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Back to work!

Getting back in the grove last week and then layed low with Sinus Infection. Yeck. So much better today with my amoxicillin pills wortking their charms.

So here are the three paintings that I have been working on last week that I have to finish up so that I can select one for the Rochester Contemporary Art Center Members only show. I'm thinking that I will get all the paintings done and then let my Facebook gang pick which one to submit to the show. Lazy man's way to make decisions.

Anyway here are the latest shots of the artwork in progress in the studio: