
Monday, January 11, 2010

Fine Art Photography - Street Art Series

I will create an Art Gallery page that you can click through with just my Fine Art Photography - Street Art Series. In the mean time here is another to view
street art photography

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ok so I'm going to run some more of the my Street Art Series. Some of the photos are from Rochester and some are from Ashville NC. I have been trying to create images that have a solid composition from whats just under my feet.

Friday, January 8, 2010

While walking the dog I have had to spend a lot of time just standing around waiting while he sniffs everything under the sun. So one day I looked down and started seeing some very interesting things. So I started taking my camera out on the dog walks. I will start putting some of these shots up to see what folks say.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First Post of the Year

Artist bent on creating contemporary art work using a wide range of techniques and materials that will express my internal visions and goals.

  • Drawing
  • Oil painting
  • Wood Block Prints
  • Hand colored photographic prints made with digital negatives and hand made paper
Growing up I wanted to be an artist.

Unfortunately for those dreams, life had a different path for me.

I worked hard to get to College and studied Fine Art. While there I found out about Computer Graphics and the attempt to be practical lead me to get dual majors of Fine Arts and Computer Graphics Software Engineering .

33 years later and after 25 years in the very non-creative side of Computer Engineering, I finally came to my senses. I will now pursue my real dreams, and and feed my inner bank account and not work just to make a buck to feed my Middle Class status.