

Art has lost its everyday purpose. Art is too stuffy and self involved, too many “Do not touch” and “Do not think” signs these days.  

People are not getting a visceral understanding of what the artist is trying to say, express and feel. Many of my friends and family do not understand the art world and they find it very strange that people would pay millions for recreated Campbell soup cans, Sharks in tanks of formaldehyde, etc.. 

Artists, curators, and collectors have lost their way in creating, displaying and experiencing art with the public. We are caught up in creating art to sell, and we have abandoned our right to inform, teach and make viewers think for themselves. 

People need to get involved with art once again. I therefore have to remove all the stuffy rules and create an art piece that requires people to physically interact with my art and walk away with a smile and a thoughtful lesson. 

Breaking the rules to push my statements, I have started to create a series of Automata that requires the viewer to look, read, touch and interact with the piece by turning a crank to make the sculpture move.
Currently I'm working on sculptures and artwork that shows how I feel about how changes in America and Wall Street has damaged the worldwide economy due to their greed. Its hard to see everyone in the world that has worked hard and watched a minority of others gain over 200% in wealth from those that got nothing or little at all. 

I have seen what the Banks and the higher Education system has done to my children and relatives, it upsets me greatly. A few banks are doing to the helpless what I would call that extortion if anyone else did this. Yet its legal for them to mismanage our savings and do damage to the young and helpless. 


The Dancing Congress Man - Spin the Money Crank and make your bought and paid for Congress Man Dance.

Wood - Acrylic Paint

19 W x 12 D x 14 H inches
$15.00 Shipping
$20.00 NYS Sales Tax

The Dancing Congress Man in action


The Boy Who Called Banker

Wood - Acrylic Paint

16 W x 6 D x  20 H inches
$15.00 Shipping
$16.00 NYS Sales Tax

The Boy Who Called Banker in action


Mary had a little School Loan

Wood - Acrylic Paint

16 W x 6 D x  20 H inches
$15.00 Shipping
$16.00 NYS Sales Tax


Little Miss Muffet 
Along came a Debt Collector

Wood - Acrylic Paint

16 W x 6 D x  20 H inches
$15.00 Shipping
$20.00 NYS Sales Tax

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