
Monday, June 4, 2012

The Shoe Factory Art Co-op 2012 August Art Exhibit "Crow Show"

"Crow Show" Call for artwork relating to crows and ravens.

Well I have been thinking of entering this show even though I will be up in Canada. Perhaps I can drop any accepted artwork off before I leave?

Well I have done one quick painting of a crow.

Now I'm working on another idea so more on that later.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

For Katy

Now that I finished up the paintings for Cara, it was time to have some fun. I remembered that Cara had mentioned that she wanted to get Katy a painting of skulls that she saw at the last art show I was in. Since Katy is getting her PhD.  in anthropology and is specializing in bones, People bones that is. I thought that I would jump in and do a painting for Katy that would fit the bill.

Katy's Skulls - 12" x 5"
 More work.

Katy's Skulls - 12" x 5"

Katy's Skulls - Done -12" x 5"

Lots of work going on. Here is the first piece.

I promised my very dear friend that I would do primitive paintings of her children many years ago. Painted her son back in 2010 in Nov. and when Katy (older daughter) saw the painting she stated she wanted to be a Queen. Bother Matt could stay a General for all she cared.

Matt as General 13" x 13"
I pulled this painting idea from the following painting.

So for Katy I decided to go with a Scottish Queen since she got her Masters at Edinburgh University.

Here was the starting point.

Mary Queen of Scots 
  Had some photos of Katy taken last summer and I used photo shop and got the following.

Love Photoshop!
Then I got the rough tracing done on my 13" x 13" board and blocked it in.

Didn't like the smile so I  looking at the painting I did not think that Katie's smile would be appropriate for the Queen of Scotland. So I decided to change it out for a different mouth. Needed to keep the everything else, so I found another pic of Katy that I took and then cut and pasted the new mouth over the smiling one.

A little tweak here and there and now I have a new design to use. 
Old picture new mouth ready to be moved about and into place
New mouth in place and sized right. Now to blend it in.
Ready to go!
Then I reworked up the rough painting and got to here.
It just painted its self!
I forwarded it on to my friend's husband and he asked that I use Katy's formal name "Kathryn". I translated her name (Greek spelling) to the Latin version to suit the paintings age ... but not a biggie and I fixed that and finished it off.
Kathryn Queen Of Scotland - 13" x 13"