
Saturday, October 29, 2011

So explain your "Crucifiction On Wall Street" painting.

I'm trying to show what Wall Street has done to our economy and everyone in the world that has worked hard and watched a minority of others gain over 200% in wealth from those that got nothing or little at all. 

My daughter was screwed over by a bank due to an over draft and even when the issue was explained and fixed they still black balled her from getting a bank account anywhere else. Why? So they could make even more money off of her for overdraft insurance that they could still charge her because she could not move to any other bank. I would call that extortion if anyone else did this.

My son should have gone to the local loan shark for money to go to collage. The interest that they charge for private school loans  is insane. The fact that they can add your interest payment for the month to the principle (if you don't pay it) and then charge you interest on that amount again next month makes me wish that the mafia would come back. They at least were upfront about it.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Crucifiction On Wall Street

Worked for 2 hours on "Crucifiction On Wall Street" 50 x 48 inches and here is were I was at. You might recognize the model. :)

Crucifiction On Wall Street Stage 2

Worked some more for about 3 hours and then had to go home for dinner. Not a bad start for someone that had painters block!!

Crucifiction On Wall Street Stage 3

Public Painting today

I will be painting in the house artist gallery today from 12 noon till 5PM. Come on by and see how I work. I like to have discussions while I'm painting. Hope you like jazz music in the background.

The Shoe Factory Art Co-op 250 N. Goodman St. Studios 212, 212A & 215 Rochester, NY 14607 (585)732-0036

Friday, October 21, 2011

What do you do with a birch tree that has to get cut down?

So we had to cut down some of our clump Birch trees. They were overhanging the new addition and made me nervous. So I used some of the wood for the legs of the new harvest dinning table. The rest became firewood after I stripped the bark off of them. I had some large pieces that I'm using to make a birch bark moosehead sculpture for the wall of the cottage. In the process I ended up with a bunch of little scraps. So I had a goose decoy that my neighbor gave me that he did not want, that I fashioned into a loon with a new head etc.
Old head with new head that I carved
 So I ended up with a nice base to start to create a sculpture of Loon. Got out the glue gun and got to work. It was fun to work with a new material.

Here are the finished products.

First Loon that I did

Second Loon.
 I will put these up for sale at the

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What is the path to becoming a well known artist?

Popescu Feldberg Imola  says

"Becoming known has nothing to do with what you choose as your topics or style. It has everything to do with a good marketing and making contacts with the relevant people, shortly to have the mindset of a business person. 
Unfortunately most of the artists do not have that kind of personality and they are mainly concerned with doing their art. There is no such thing like making what many people would be drawn to. That is not art anymore and we were here talking about art that is good and artists who are talented. In this category artists simply do what they feel compelled to do, by their own imagination and personality. 
The question was how to make talented artists' brilliant works sell, not how to make "paintings" in conformity with people's taste. 

Answer: By smart marketing. Look at art as a business.As an artist, face the reality and do your second set of homework: learn marketing, learn internet marketing, learn PR, learn computers, learn how to do your own website, how to promote it, how to blog and write, self promotion tricks, go to galleries, be nice, be charming, be active socially, smile a lot, meet people, invite people, talk to people, like people, make them like you and all of this time don't forget to keep up the good paintingBecause one thing is sure: with a smart marketing, even the brilliant and good art will also sell! It might take some good years though, but it is possible."