
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Grace #1 Hope is Done

Finished this one off with a frame and clear coat and delivered to Caitlins Mom (my Sister In-Law).

Everyone very happy with it. Picture below is Caitlin's bother mugging with the painting. Yes it is that big!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Grace #1 Hope Done?

Think that I'm done here. Good day painting. Now a small glass of wine to celebrate! I will let it sit and see what it looks like in the daylight tomorrow morning.

Good night all! Where ever you are.

Grace #1 Hope - Stage 7 - 34 x 40 inches

Grace #1 Hope

Background done and now down to the detail work. Perhaps another 2 hours?
Grace #1 Hope - Stage 6 - 34 x 40 inches

Grace #1 Hope

Well I've been painting about an hour and here is where we are so far.

Grace #1 Hope - Stage 2 - 34 x 40 inches

Grace #1 Hope - Stage 3 - 34 x 40 inches
Grace #1 Hope - Stage 4 - 34 x 40 inches

Man the Acrylic paint is drying really fast. I have to scrape it off the pallet just to keep going. Must be 88 degrees in here!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Canada Day and Independence Day!!

Starting on two paintings. This will be the one I will be working on over the weekend. Wonder how much I will get done between all the fun and parties. :-)

Using a new method to get my images squared up on the canvas. Got a Pico-projector that I can connect to my computer and then do a rough of my comp. Then I will use my photo from the monitor for all the detail work.

Some may say this is a form of cheating but.... I can draw and can prove it but it takes to long to get the paint up on the canvas. So rather than doing a grid and scaling up and sketching it out via a grid... this is quicker and I can work on the painting bit which takes the longest anyways.

Ref Photo

Grace #1 Stage 1

As you can see there is not much detail but just enough for me to mix skin tone and get to work.