
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Back and forth from the Cottage

So here we are an other 7 days spent bashing my thumbs and cutting my fingers doing Electrical work and deconstruction. Did a whole bunch of stuff and feel pretty good about it. Right now you can't see a couple of days worth of work since its all underneath the cabin where the spiders hide. Even my dog Boo will not come under to visit me.

So rest up this week and then back for 3 weeks of work to finish the inside of the cabin. This means new kitchen, from Ikea, more plumbing and then I can start to put up the knotty pine boads on the wall. I have to remember to put in my speaker wires so I can mount them on the walls high in the corners. That will be nice.

Well this is my last post till the end of Aug. I will return with new pics and sore body parts but it will be all worth it in the end.

Kitchen on its way.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Back to Canada for a while.

Well back up to the cottage to do more deconstuction/reconstruction for a week and a half. Just me and my dog Boo. I hope to get some drawing done during the day and night. Show you what I have when I get back.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Missed my first 15 mins of fame.

Hats off to Andy Warhol. Well I was at the cottage doing the worker bee thing it seems that I got mentioned in the local paper. Nice. Here it is:

Back from the Cottage!

Back from Cottage last night. Had to unload truck and then go change my daughters flat tire. Long day. Posted new pics of my work on the cottage on facebook and now back to doing Art.!/album.php?aid=232548&id=582472246&ref=mf